How DNA will play a role in the offspring collection.

Breedy Birds have four base pairs that are concatenated with hyphens and then hashed using the SHA1 hashing algorithm. Base pairs are pairs of two capital letters: A, B, and C. Each pair represents a visual attribute of the offspring DNA: Beak, Body, Eyes, and Head.

Six varieties of each visual attribute will be commissioned to represent all unique letter pairings: AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, and CC. Therefore, offspring will be generated by sampling a random letter from each of its parents' base pairs. Offspring DNA will be generated by concatenating their parents' DNA hashes and running that through the SHA1 hashing algorithm: sha1(<male dna>-<female dna>).

For example, let's say Breedy Bird #01 breeds with Breedy Bird #04:

  • #01 base pairs: BA-CB-CB-CC

  • #01 DNA: 1b8e98d6cc666bfd6a64cda64cedee514da4b07a

  • #04 base pairs: AC-CC-AB-CB

  • #04 DNA: a9686e968ef0dbf77ef6ee83346ca20abb008567

  • Offspring possible beaks: AA, AB, AC, BC

  • Offspring possible bodies: BC, CC

  • Offspring possible eyes: AB, AC, BB, BC

  • Offspring possible heads: BC, CC

  • Number of possible combinations: 64

  • Offspring DNA: 79894f15561725a16c0561d8dafa6d9dc72ea8d6

All of this is being done to ensure that offspring are generated in a totally deterministic and verifiable manner.

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