August 25th Drawing
This page details the results and verifying documents to the drawing that took place on August 25th, 2022 at 00:00 UTC.
Last updated
This page details the results and verifying documents to the drawing that took place on August 25th, 2022 at 00:00 UTC.
Last updated
The random seed used in the drawing script was generated at on August 25th, 2022 at ~00:00 UTC. The seed selection was screen recorded to ensure that seed selection didn't occur to sway the results. The drawing was also recorded:
The results of the final breeding pair snapshot and subsequent drawing can be verified by unzipping the following folder and running the scripts in R programming.
Gold Winner: J6Y8SxgDdufdtY2wFW13szSP38WWuhyo476w4i45rpnjmQC
Silver Winner #1: FS1s3tip8bb8xTsUtyzXu55Hed6CrKTsYLNtcs4jZDrmfVd
Silver Winner #2: GHjovLTp39DEV5XGgZEf9z5iCygNMbBwuPEBCpr1NUQK98k
Silver Winner #3: EuJAYheXvPywhDqB9YYG9RYbp2iENUqT261FPRhhTioPxSu
Silver Winner #4: CtiShG2N3eQDMhpV76Q6fLe5A4mzMzCUnFGnHLRcgwco4wB
Silver Winner #5: GqC37KSFFeGAoL7YxSeP1YDwr85WJvLmDDQiSaprTDAm8Jj