
Information on all past, present, and future collaborations

Fungus Among Us 🍄

Hog Lordz DAO has partnered with Chaos Birds to create themed equippable "Things" for the Fungus Among Us collection! Chaos Birds holders will be able to participate in an emote contest to be entered to win a Chaos Birds Cap Thing or a glowing Fungus Among Us NFT!

To earn an entry in the Cap Things and Fungus giveaway you must:

Users will be given one entry per Chaos Bird owned per emoted Fungus. Entries were recorded at block 15413089. There will be a total of 25 winners:

Winners will be drawn with replacement and the drawing script will be published here.

Example: a user owns 2 Chaos birds and emotes a 🍄 on 10 Fungus Among Us NFTs. They will be given 20 entries!


Due to low participation rate, the emote participants (6 total) were considered only for the 15 rarer Cap Things. Two participants weren't drawn, so they were given 1 Grey Cap Thing each. Of the remaining 8 Grey Cap Things, they were given away to active Chaos Bird holders (i.e. wallets that have submitted a RMRK interaction after October 1st).



#R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) -- "Funny-Looking Kid"
#Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
#Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

#load data

#declare vars
  wallets ->
  fungus_emotes ->
  bird_counts ->
  ids ->

#get chaos bird owners and fungus emotes
for(a in RMRK$nfts) {
  if(a$collection == "8ef755e9850dd2d573-🦜" &
     a$burned == "") {
    wallets <- c(wallets,a$rootowner)
  if(a$collection == "8876ae3e-FUNGUS_AMONG_US" &
     a$burned == "") {
    fungus_emotes <- c(fungus_emotes,a$reactions$`1f344`,a$reactions$`1F344`)
    ids <- c(ids,a$id)

#count birds per wallet
for(a in wallets) {
  bird_counts <- c(bird_counts, sum(wallets == a))

bird_counts_df <- distinct(data.frame(wallets,bird_counts))

#count entries for drawing
for(a in bird_counts_df$wallets) {
  entries <- c(entries, sum(fungus_emotes == a) * bird_counts_df[bird_counts_df$wallets == a,"bird_counts"])

bird_counts_df$Entries <- entries

final <- bird_counts_df[bird_counts_df$Entries != 0,c("wallets","Entries")]
colnames(final)[1] <- "Wallets"
row.names(final) <- c(1:nrow(final))

total <- sum(final$Entries)

#set seed and draw winners with replacement

samples <- sample(1:total, 15, replace = TRUE)

winners <- NULL
for(a in samples) {
  b <- 1
  while(b != nrow(final) + 1) {
    if(a <= sum(final$Entries[1:b])) {
      winners <- c(winners, final$Wallets[b])
      b <- nrow(final) + 1
    } else {
      b <- b + 1

#everyone who entered is guaranteed a cap, so wallets that didn't get drawn get a grey cap
#15 rarer caps given away to winners

ids <- c("14695764-8876ae3e-FUNGUS_CAP-CHAOS_GREY-00000126",

ids <- ids[length(ids):1]

#for the rest of the caps, chaos bird owners who have submitted a RMRK interaction after
#October 1st are eligible for a cap

#this takes a long time...
callers <- NULL
for(a in RMRK$nfts) {
  for(b in a$changes) {
    if(b$block > 14683829) {
      callers <- c(callers, b$caller)

unique_callers <- unique(callers)

active_bird_owners <- unique(wallets[wallets %in% callers])

#draw 8 grey cap winners
grey_winners <- active_bird_owners[sample(1:length(active_bird_owners),8)]

giveaway <- c(winners,final$Wallets[!(final$Wallets %in% winners)],grey_winners)

all_winners <- data.frame("Wallet" = giveaway, "NFT" = ids)

write.csv(all_winners, file="fungus_winners.csv",row.names=FALSE)


Receipt of sent NFTs

Last updated